Arab Musketeers

boycotting brands

Many restaurants have taken a serious stand in support of Palestine by substituting blacklisted goods with authentic Egyptian alternatives. This strategic step not only indicates a dedication to ethical sourcing, but it also acts as a physical demonstration of support for Palestinian issues. By supporting local Egyptian businesses over boycotted brands, these restaurants contribute to a story of resilience and unity. This beneficial transition lines up with a larger trend highlighting independence and local cooperation, as well as creating a feeling of belonging and common principles. These restaurants show the power of corporations to use their influence for positive social change and to stand in solidarity with communities experiencing challenges by making such significant choices.

willy’s kitchen
Willy’s Kitchen decided to create its own soft drink in support with Palestine, ending the usage of western brands. This decision highlights the restaurant’s efforts to support Palestinian issues and self-sufficiency. Willy’s Kitchen illustrates the power of businesses to make effective and ethically motivated actions in the direction of social justice by developing their own drink.

Buffalo Burger

Buffalo Burger has shown their support for Palestine by replacing boycotting beverages with genuine Egyptian brands. This tactical alternative primarily refers to cooperative standards, but also drives for being self-sufficient.


Caizo has made a significant move by eliminating soft drinks from its menu and exclusively offering its own freshly squeezed juices in a show of support for Palestine. This deliberate choice not only underscores the restaurant’s commitment to solidarity but also emphasizes its dedication to self-sufficiency. By relying on its unique juice offerings, Caizo Restaurant exemplifies its role in championing social causes and aligning with ethical practices.

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